DragonFlyBSD/src f8b849dusr.bin/calendar io.c calendar.c

calendar(1): Use login caps for 'calendar -a'

* Use 'fork()' and 'setusercontext(LOGIN_SETALL)' for every user.  With
  this change, the complex function 'cal()' that parses user-owned
  calendars is now executed with appropriate user privileges.

  Previously it was run with privileges dropped only temporary for
  execution of 'cal()', and fully dropped only before invoking 'sendmail'.

* In 'calendar -a' mode, the 'getenv("HOME")' in 'cal_fopen()' function
  always returns the root's home directory instead of the current user's
  home (after fork() and setusercontext()), which makes 'chdir(home)'

  Fix this issue by moving the 'chdir(home)' to the 'main()' function in
  'calendar.c'.  In the meantime, back to home directory in
  'cal_fopen()' function after opening the calendar file.

Partially based on FreeBSD's commit:
+44-643 files
