NetBSD/pkgsrc-wip 7d096b8py-joblib PLIST distinfo

py-joblib: Update to 0.12.1

Notable changes:
- Implement the 'loky' backend.
- Prevent numpy arrays with the same shape and data from hashing to
  the same memmap, to prevent jobs with preallocated arrays from
  writing over each other.
- Reduce overhead of automatic memmap by removing the need to hash the
- Introduce the concept of 'store' and refactor the Memory internal
  storage implementation to make it accept extra store backends for
  caching results. backend and backend_options are the new options
  added to Memory to specify and configure a store backend.
- Allow parallel_backend to be used globally instead of only as a
  context manager. Support lazy registration of external parallel
+119-243 files
