NetBSD/pkgsrc 6keYmmrdevel/scons distinfo Makefile

   scons: updated to 3.1.1

   RELEASE 3.1.1:
   - Remove obsoleted references to DeciderNeedsNode which could cause crash when using --debug=explain
   - Add Fix and test for crash in 3.1.0 when using Decider('MD5-timestamp') and --debug=explain
   - Added -fmerge-all-constants to flags that get included in both CCFLAGS and LINKFLAGS.
   - Fix issue 3415 - Update remaining usages of EnvironmentError to SConsEnvironmentError
     this patch fixes issues introduced in 3.1.0 where any of the
     following would cause SCons to error and exit:
       - CacheDir not write-able
       - JSON encoding errors for CacheDir config
       - JSON decoding errors for CacheDir config

   RELEASE 3.1.0:
   - Code to supply correct version-specifier argument to vswhere for
     VS version selection.
   - Enhanced --debug=explain output. Now the separate components of the dependency list are split up
     as follows:

     scons: rebuilding `file3' because:
          the dependency order changed:
          Old:xxx       New:zzz
          Old:yyy       New:yyy
          Old:zzz       New:xxx
          Old:/usr/bin/python   New:/usr/bin/python
   - Fix Issue 3350 - SCons Exception EnvironmentError is conflicting with Python's EnvironmentError.
   - Fix spurious rebuilds on second build for cases where builder has > 1 target and the source file
     is generated. This was causing the > 1th target to not have it's implicit list cleared when the source
     file was actually built, leaving an implicit list similar to follows for 2nd and higher target
             ['/usr/bin/python', 'xxx', 'yyy', 'zzz']
     This was getting persisted to SConsign and on rebuild it would be corrected to be similar to this
             ['zzz', 'yyy', 'xxx', '/usr/bin/python']
     Which would trigger a rebuild because the order changed.
     The fix involved added logic to mark all shared targets as peers and then ensure they're implicit
     list is all cleared together.
   - Fix Issue 3349 - SCons Exception EnvironmentError is conflicting with Python's EnvironmentError.
     Renamed to SConsEnvironmentError
   - Fix Issue 3350 - mslink failing when too many objects.  This is resolved by adding TEMPFILEARGJOIN variable
     which specifies what character to join all the argements output into the tempfile. The default remains a space
     when mslink, msvc, or mslib tools are loaded they change the TEMPFILEARGJOIN to be a line separator (\r\n on win32)
   - Fix performance degradation for MD5-timestamp decider.  NOTE: This changes the Decider() function arguments.
         def my_decider(dependency, target, prev_ni):
         def my_decider(dependency, target, prev_ni, repo_node):
     Where repo_node is the repository (or other) node to use to check if the node is out of date instead of dependency.
   - Additional fix to issue 3135 - Also handle 'pure' and 'elemental' type bound procedures
   - Fix issue 3135 - Handle Fortran submodules and type bound procedures
   - Upgraded and improved Visual Studio solution/project generation code using the MSVSProject builder.
     - Added support for Visual Studio 2017 and 2019.
     - Added support for the following per-variant parameters to the builder:
       - cpppaths: Provides per-variant include paths.
       - cppdefines: Provides per-variant preprocessor definitions.
   - Fix handling of Visual Studio Compilers to properly reject any unknown HOST_PLATFORM or TARGET_PLATFORM
   - Added support for Visual Studio 2019 toolset.
   - Update cache debug output to include cache hit rate.
   - No longer unintentionally hide exceptions in
   - Allow builders and pseudo-builders to inherit from OverrideEnvironments
   - Add logic to derive correct version argument to vswhere
   - Enable LaTeX scanner to find more than one include per line
   - scons-time takes more care closing files and uses safer mkdtemp to avoid
     possible races on multi-job runs.
   - Use importlib to dynamically load tool and platform modules instead of imp module
   - sconsign: default to .sconsign.dblite if no filename is specified.
     Be more informative in case of unsupported pickle protocol (py2 only).
   - Fix issue 3336 - on Windows, paths were being added to PATH even if
     tools were not found in those paths.
   - More fixes for newer Java versions (since 9): handle new jdk directory
     naming (jdk-X.Y instead of jdkX.Y) on Windows; handle two-digit major
     version. Docstrings improved.
   - Fixups for pylint: exception types, redefined functions,
     globals, etc.  Some old code removed to resolve issues (hashlib is
     always present on modern Pythons; no longer need the code for
     2.5-and-earlier optparse). cmp is not a builtin function in Py3,
     drop one (unused) use; replace one.  Fix another instance of
     renaming to SConsEnvironmentError. Trailing whitespace.
     Consistently use not is/in (if not x is y -> if x is not y).
   - Add a PY3-only function for setting up the cachedir that should be less
     prone to races. Add a hack to the PY2 version (from Issue 3351) to
     be less prone to a race in the check for old-style cache.
   - Fix coding error in docbook tool only exercised when using python lxml
   - Recognize two additional GNU compiler header directory options in
     ParseFlags: -iquote and -idirafter.
   - Fix more re patterns that contain \ but not specified as raw strings
     (affects scanners for D, LaTeX, swig)
+12-93 files
