NetBSD/pkgsrc XWFJuX8net/syncthing Makefile distinfo, net/syncthing/files

   syncthing: Update to 1.1.3. Add an rc.subr script.

   ok gdt


       #5332: Duplicate Files Names in Out of Sync List
       #5456: Folder marked as "Up to Date" with failed items
       #5578: Filesystem Watcher Error on v1.1.0
       #5624: Simple Syncthing invocations take a long time to run
       #5676: Systemd circular dependency prevents startup
       #5531: Flush to database based on size instead of entries
       #5571: Dir/symlink updates overwrite conflicts & unscanned files
       #5599: Default folder in v1.1.0 isn’t created with useLargeBlocks = true
       #5482: minHomeDiskFreePct is still present in fresh configs
       #5493: Monitor bug: TERM signaling not passed to syncthing process
       #5557: Hashing performance degradation when using large blocks


       #1223: Mention license in "About" dialog
       #5554: Unnecessary time precision in pendingFolder/pendingDevice config entries
       #4921: Syncthing should guard against running old versions with new config
       #5065: Add support for TLS1.3
       #5346: Systemd unit should declare
       #5560: Change "Introduced by" icon
       #5569: Outdated copyright notes in "About" dialog
       #5365: .desktop files: desktop-entry-lacks-keywords-entry
       #5445: User/group ownership following parent dir

   Other issues:

       #1101: Syncthing has no easter eggs
       #5480: Better describe exposed volumes in our Docker image
       #5077: TestWatchIgnore is flaky (OpenBSD (-current) Test failed)
       #5246: TestParentDeletion fails on OpenBSD
       #5311: Update prometheus/common/expfmt to pass tests on go1.11
       #5454: build.go setup problems with gomodules
       #5495: Dockerhub Docker builds fail continously
       #5515: Missing string from Transifex

   API Changes

       Change #5479 introduces the new copyOwnershipFromParent folder
       configuration option. The default, false, matches the old behavior of
       not copying ownership information.
       Since change #5405, large (variable size) blocks are enabled by default for newly created folders.
+69-133 files
