NetBSD/pkgsrc cqoKk94security/vault distinfo Makefile

   Update security/vault to 0.8.1.


   - PKI Root Generation: Calling `pki/root/generate` when a CA cert/key already
     exists will now return a `204` instead of overwriting an existing root. If
     you want to recreate the root, first run a delete operation on `pki/root`
     (requires `sudo` capability), then generate it again.


   - Oracle Secret Backend: There is now an external plugin to support leased
     credentials for Oracle databases (distributed separately).
   - GCP IAM Auth Backend: There is now an authentication backend that allows
     using GCP IAM credentials to retrieve Vault tokens. This is available as
     both a plugin and built-in to Vault.
   - PingID Push Support for Path-Baased MFA (Enterprise): PingID Push can
     now be used for MFA with the new path-based MFA introduced in Vault
     Enterprise 0.8.
   - Permitted DNS Domains Support in PKI: The `pki` backend now supports
     specifying permitted DNS domains for CA certificates, allowing you to
     narrowly scope the set of domains for which a CA can issue or sign child
   - Plugin Backend Reload Endpoint: Plugin backends can now be triggered to
     reload using the `sys/plugins/reload/backend` endpoint and providing either
     the plugin name or the mounts to reload.
   - Self-Reloading Plugins: The plugin system will now attempt to reload a
     crashed or stopped plugin, once per request.


   - auth/approle: Allow array input for policies in addition to comma-delimited
   - auth/aws: Allow using root credentials for IAM authentication
   - plugins: Send logs through Vault's logger rather than stdout
   - secret/pki: Add `pki/root` delete operation
   - secret/pki: Don't overwrite an existing root cert/key when calling generate


   - aws: Don't prefer a nil HTTP client over an existing one
   - core: If there is an error when checking for create/update existence, return
     500 instead of 400
   - secret/database: Avoid creating usernames that are too long for legacy MySQL
+7-72 files
