NetBSD/pkgsrc d3HItW8www/apache-tomcat7 distinfo Makefile

   Update to 7.0.92

   Tomcat 7.0.92 (violetagg)


           fix  Add documentation about the files context.xml.default and web.xml.default that can be used to customize conf/context.xml and conf/web.xml on a per host basis. (fschumacher)
           fix  Ensure that a canonical path is always used for the docBase of a Context to ensure consistent behaviour. (markt)
           fix  62788: Add explicit logging configuration to write log files using UTF-8 to align with Tomcat's use of UTF-8 by default elsewhere. (markt)
           fix  62797: Pass throwable to keep client aborts with status 200 rather than 500. Patch submitted by zikfat. (remm)
           fix  62809: Correct a regression in the implementation of DIGEST authentication support for the Deployer Ant tasks (bug 45832) that prevented the DeployTask from working when authentication was required. (markt)
           update       Update the recommended minimum Tomcat Native version to 1.2.18. (markt)
           add  Ignore an attribute named source on Context elements provided by StandardContext. This is to suppress warnings generated by the Eclipse / Tomcat integration provided by Eclipse. Based on a patch by mdfst13. (markt)
           add  62830: Added JniLifeCycleListener and static methods Library.loadLibrary(libraryName) and Library.load(filename) to load a native library by a shared class loader so that more than one Webapp can use it. (isapir)
           fix  Correct a typo in the Spanish resource files. Patch provided by Diego Agulló. (markt)
           fix  62868: Order the Enumeration<URL> provided by WebappClassLoaderBase.getResources(String) according to the setting of the delegate flag. (markt)


           add  Add TLSv1.3 to the default protocols and to the all alias for JSSE based TLS connectors when running on a JVM that supports TLS version 1.3. One such JVM is OpenJDK version 11. (rjung)
           fix  62739: Do not reject requests with an empty HTTP Host header. Such requests are unusual but not invalid. Patch provided by Michael Orr. (markt)
           add  62748: Add TLS 1.3 support for the APR/Native connector. (schultz/markt)
           fix  62791: Remove an unnecessary check in the NIO TLS implementation that prevented from secure WebSocket connections from being established. (markt)


           fix  62674: Correct a regression in the stand-alone JSP compiler utility, JspC, caused by the fix for 53492, that caused the JSP compiler to hang. (markt)
           fix  62721: Correct generation of web.xml header when using JspC. (markt)
           fix  Fix a regression in the TLD whitespace parsing fix that broke parsing when whitespace was present between the method name and the parameters. (markt)
           fix  62757: Correct a regression in the fix for 62603 that caused NullPointerExceptions when compiling tag files on first access when development mode was disabled and background compilation was enabled. Based on a patch by Jordi Llach. (markt)
           fix  62808: Fix a regression in the TLD whitespace parsing fix that broke parsing when new lines were present in the method signature. (markt)


           fix  62731: Make the URI returned by HandshakeRequest.getRequestURI() and Session.getRequestURI() absolute so that the scheme, host and port are accessible. (markt)

       Web applications

           fix  62761: Correct the advanced CORS example in the Filter documentation to use a valid configuration. (markt)
           fix  62786: Add a note to the Context documentation to explain that, by default, settings for a Context element defined in server.xml will be overwritten by settings specified in a default context file such as conf/context.xml. (markt)
           fix  Create a little visual separation between the Undeploy button and the other buttons in the Manager application. Patch provided by Łukasz Jąder. (markt)


           update       Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.18 to pick up the latest Windows binaries built with APR 1.6.5 and OpenSSL 1.1.1. (markt)

   Tomcat 7.0.91 (violetagg)    released 2018-09-19


           add  61692: Add the ability to control which HTTP methods are handled by the CGI Servlet via a new initialization parameter cgiMethods. (markt)
           fix  Ensure that the HTTP Vary header is set correctly when using the CORS filter and improve the cacheability of requests that pass through the COPRS filter. (markt)
           fix  62527: Revert restriction of JNDI to the java: namespace. (remm)
           add  Introduce a new class - MultiThrowable - to report exceptions when multiple actions are taken where each action may throw an exception but all actions are taken before any errors are reported. Use this new class when reporting multiple container (e.g. web application) failures during start. (markt)
           fix  Correctly decode URL paths (+ should not be decoded to a space in the path) in the RequestDispatcher and the web application class loader. (markt)
           add  62559: Add jaxb-*.jar to the list of JARs ignored by StandardJarScanner. (markt)
           add  62560: Add oraclepki.jar to the list of JARs ignored by StandardJarScanner. (markt)
           add  62607: Return a non-zero exit code from catalina.[bat|sh] run if Tomcat fails to start. (markt)
           code Remove ServletException from declaration of Tomcat.addWebapp(String,String) since it is never thrown. Patch provided by Tzafrir. (markt)
           fix  Use short circuit logic to prevent potential NPE in CorsFilter. (fschumacher)
           code Simplify construction of appName from container name in JAASRealm. (fschumacher)
           fix  Improve the handling of path parameters when working with Requestt type multipart/form-data to servlets with a @MultipartConfig annotation regardless of HTTP method. (markt)
           fix  62669: When using the SSIFilter and a resource does not specify a content type, do not force the content type to application/x-octet-s a redirect to a directory in the Default Servlet, avoid generating a protocol relative redirect. (markt)


           fix  Refactor code that adds an additional header name to the Vary HTTP response header to use a common utility method that addresses several additional edge cases. (markt)
           fix  62526: Correctly handle PKCS12 format key stores when the key store password is configured to be the empty string. Note that Java 6 does not support PKCS12 key stores configured to use a store password of the empty string. (markt)
           fix  62670: Adjust the memory leak protection for the DriverManager so that JDBC drivers located in $CATALINA_HOME/lib and $CATALINA_BASE/lib are loaded via the service loader mechanism when the protection is enabled. (markt)
           fix  62685: Correct an error in host name validation parsing that did not allow a fully qualified domain name to terminate with a period. Patch provided by AG. (markt)


           fix  53011: When pre-compiling with JspC, report all compilation errors rather than stopping after the first error. A new option -failFast can be used to restore the previous behaviour of stopping after the first error. Based on a patch provided by Marc Pompl. (markt)
           add  53492: Make the Java file generation process multi-threaded. By default, one thread will be used per core. Based on a patch by Dan Fabulich. (markt)
           fix  62603: Fix a potential race condition when development mode is disabled and background compilation checks are enabled. It was possible that some updates would not take effect and/or ClassNotFoundExceptions would occur. (markt)
           fix  Correct the JSP version in the X-PoweredBy HTTP header generated when the xpoweredBy option is enabled. (markt)
           fix  62662: Fix the corruption of web.xml output during JSP compilation caused by the fix for 53492. Patch provided by Bernhard Frauendienst. (markt)
           fix  Correct parsing of XML whitespace in TLD function signatures that incorrectly only looked for the space character. (markt)


           fix  62596: Remove the limit on the size of the initial HTTP upgrade request used to establish the web socket connection. (markt)

       Web applications

           add  62558: Add Russian translations for the Manager and Host Manager web applications. Based on a patch by Ivan Krasnov. (markt)
           add  62561: Add advanced class loader configuration information regarding the use of the Server and Shared class loaders to the documentation web application. (markt)
           add  Expand the information in the documentation web application regarding the use of CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE. Patch provided by Marek Czernek. (markt)
           fix  62652: Make it clearer that the version of DBCP that is packaged in Tomcat 7.0.x is DBCP 1. (markt)
           add  62666: Expand internationalisation support in the Manager application to include the server status page and provide Russian translations in addition to English. Patch provided by Artem Chebykin. (markt)
           fix  62676: Expand the CORS filter documentation to make it clear that explicit configuration is required to enable support for cross-origin requests. (markt)


           fix  Ensures that the specified rxBufSize is correctly set to receiver buffer size. (kfujino)


           fix  Fixed spelling. Patch provided by Jimmy Casey via GitHub. (violetagg)
           fix  Correct various spelling errors throughout the source code and documentation. Patch provided by Kazuhiro Sera. (markt)
+8-73 files
