NetBSD/src h9fW9Cpexternal/bsd/nvi/dist/cl cl_main.c cl_screen.c

   Pull up following revision(s) (requested by mlelstv in ticket #1508):
        external/bsd/nvi/dist/cl/cl_main.c: revision 1.6
        external/bsd/nvi/dist/cl/cl_screen.c: revision 1.6
   When resizing nvi in xterm, a scroll region is set with the old size
   which garbles the display.
   The scroll region is set for a terminfo scroll operation and then
   reset to the current window size. While xterm lets you clear a
   scroll region, there is no way to do this in terminfo except by
   resetting the terminal which has a visual side effect.
   Xterm actually clears the scroll region as part of the resize but
   that happens before a program gets the SIGWINCH signal. When nvi sees
   the SIGWINCH signal, it exits the vi mode using a scroll operation to
   tidy up the display before it reenters vi mode with the new window size.
   This patch does two things:
   - make nvi also invoke a previous SIGWINCH handler (not sufficient,
     but that's how curses wants it).
   - skip the tidy up in case of a restart (avoids the scroll region)
+9-52 files
