FreeBSD/ports 8c70969 (r502610)devel Makefile, devel/heaptrack Makefile pkg-descr

New port: devel/heaptrack

- At the moment this includes only the GUI part and not the actual tracker.

Heaptrack traces all memory allocations and annotates these events with stack
traces. Dedicated analysis tools then allow you to interpret the heap memory
profile to:

  *  find hotspots that need to be optimized to reduce the memory footprint of
     your application
  *  find memory leaks, i.e. locations that allocate memory which is never
  *  find allocation hotspots, i.e. code locations that trigger a lot of
     memory allocation calls
  *  find temporary allocations, which are allocations that are directly
     followed by their deallocation

+57-05 files
