NetBSD/pkgsrc-wip 582ab0avault distinfo Makefile

vault: Update to 1.1.3


* agent: Now supports proxying request query parameters [GH-6772]
* core: Mount table output now includes a UUID indicating the storage path
* core: HTTP server timeout values are now configurable [GH-6666]
* replication: Improve performance of the reindex operation on secondary
  clusters when mount filters are in use
* replication: Replication status API now returns the state and progress of
  a reindex


* api: Return the Entity ID in the secret output [GH-6819]
* auth/jwt: Consider bound claims when considering if there is at least one
  bound constraint [JWT-49]
* auth/okta: Fix handling of group names containing slashes [GH-6665]
* cli: Add deprecated stored-shares flag back to the init command [GH-6677]
* cli: Fix a panic when the KV command would return no data [GH-6675]
* cli: Fix issue causing CLI list operations to not return proper format
  when there is an empty response [GH-6776]
* core: Correctly honor non-HMAC request keys when auditing requests
* core: Fix the x-vault-unauthenticated value in OpenAPI for a number of
  endpoints [GH-6654]
* core: Fix issue where some OpenAPI parameters were incorrectly listed as
  being sent as a header [GH-6679]
* core: Fix issue that would allow duplicate mount names to be used
* namespaces: Fix behavior when using root instead of root/ as the
  namespace header value
* pki: fix a panic when a client submits a null value [GH-5679]
* replication: Properly update mount entry cache on a secondary to apply
  all new values after a tune
* replication: Properly close connection on bootstrap error
* replication: Fix an issue causing startup problems if a namespace policy
  wasn't replicated properly
* replication: Fix longer than necessary WAL replay during an initial
* replication: Fix error during mount filter invalidation on DR secondary
* secrets/ad: Make time buffer configurable [AD-35]
* secrets/gcp: Check for nil config when getting credentials [SGCP-35]
* secrets/gcp: Fix error checking in some cases where the returned value
  could be 403 instead of 404 [SGCP-37]
* secrets/gcpkms: Disable key rotation when deleting a key [GCPKMS-10]
* storage/consul: recognize https:// address even if schema not specified
* storage/dynamodb: Fix an issue where a deleted lock key in DynamoDB (HA)
  could cause constant switching of the active node [GH-6637]
* storage/dynamodb: Eliminate a high-CPU condition that could occur if an
  error was received from the DynamoDB API [GH-6640]
* storage/gcs: Correctly use configured chunk size values [GH-6655]
* storage/mssql: Use the correct database when pre-created schemas exist
* ui: Fix issue with select arrows on drop down menus [GH-6627]
* ui: Fix an issue where sensitive input values weren't being saved to the
  server [GH-6586]
* ui: Fix web cli parsing when using quoted values [GH-6755]
* ui: Fix a namespace workflow mapping identities from external namespaces
  by allowing arbitrary input in search-select component [GH-6728]
+5-62 files
